Actus Reus is defined in law as an element of criminal responsibility more specifically the wrongful act or omission that constitutes the physical component of a. Actus reus is Latin for guilty act. Elements Of A Crime Actus Reus The Guilty Act Is The Voluntary Action Omission Or State Of Being That Is Prohibited Crime Criminal Justice The Guilty Under British law the act of murder all rests on the actus reus this is the term that defines whether a killing can be classified as murder or not. . The common law precedent is used to distinguish between acts that were merely preparatory and those sufficiently proximate or connected to the crime. República Dominicana está plagada de problemas como el desempleo la falta de educación la falta de alimentos la falta de vivienda adecuada la distribución desproporcionada de la riqueza la falta de atención. Actus reus is Latin for guilty Weegy. Actus Reus is Latin for a guilty act whil...